Etsy Store

Monday, August 16, 2010

Long time no post eh?

Hey loves!

So, long time no posting eh?
Sorry bout that...I was getting really good at updating daily...but I havent been working on much in the way of hairbows or charms...does anyone have a custom order they want done??? or maybe want to order from the shop???

eh, whatever haha
Well I hope you post this blog around so I can get some more followers

I'll be gone for pretty much 3 weeks starting next Sunday, so dont think I died or nothing haha

Long time no post eh?

Hey loves!

So, long time no posting eh?
Sorry bout that...I was getting really good at updating daily...but I havent been working on much in the way of hairbows or charms...does anyone have a custom order they want done??? or maybe want to order from the shop???

eh, whatever haha
Well I hope you post this blog around so I can get some more followers

I'll be gone for pretty much 3 weeks starting next Sunday, so dont think I died or nothing haha